Friday, July 15, 2011

A Sparkley "Gift"

I am not quite sure what to make of this. I am slightly amused but kind of grossed out that he left his “kill” for me. Surely Tutie was just following his animal instincts when he attacked this poor and innocent little birdie. I find it cute yet creepy that even he understands the way to a woman’s heart is with sparkley gifts.

 (Before Kill)

The Mrs.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tears in my Jam

As promised, all be it a week late, I will share with you the recipe for White Peach and Blackberry Jam. First though, I will clue you in as to why I have been a little preoccupied lately. I’ll come clean and tell you I have been spending a LOT of time here with my sweet little Doodle.

This Mrs. works hard and has really been enjoying her downtime. I am determined to grab hold and enjoy every single day this summer has to offer. You see, it is kind of a bittersweet summer for us as it is my last as a stay at home mommy. For in the fall, we will return to our regularly scheduled lives. The Mr. will continue to go to and from work, the Doodle will start Middle School and I will go back to school to finish up my final year before graduating in the spring and starting my new career. Next summer promises to offer an air conditioned office and I am sure lots of paperwork, office politics and grown-up responsibilities. Gone will be those precious, carefree days we spent frittering the time away by the pool splashing and playing, eating ice cream cones that drip all over in the summer heat, and staying up late watching movies only to sleep in until ……… well let’s just say it’s sometimes past a respectable time to get up.

Since the Doodle was a wee little punkin, I have been blessed to have been a stay at home mommy, and for that I am eternally grateful. Life at times, as it is known to occasionally be, has been a struggle; but for all of his precious life I have been the one here to guide, share and observe the Doodle’s experience as he discovers the world around him. My friends, I will tell you it was most definitely worth it and one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I have had 12 years to bond with and teach my young son the ways of the world and to see the wonder and excitement in his face as he sees and experiences new things in life for the first time. I have watched him grow from a tiny, precarious infant into a busy and curious toddler, into a bouncy, happy, loving child and now he is making the transition into a teenager. In six short years he will be legally considered a grown man. OMG!!!! Someone pass the Moscato before I have a panic attack because I can’t  hardly believe my baby is going to be a man.

 For now though we will continue to enjoy the bon vivant that summer has to offer and celebrate the precious few days left of his childhood. For in the fall you will certainly find me with tears a streaming as we close one chapter of our lives and open up to new and exciting opportunities that await us.

Now as I wipe my tears, I will share with you the promised recipe for White Peach and Blackberry Jam.

1.       Sterilize 8 ½ pint jars and lids in boiling water. Do not put the center lid with the glue around the rim in the boiling water though, it will prevent you from getting a good seal. Just wash it in warm soapy water. 

2.       Peel and core about 12 medium peaches. Make sure you use ripe peaches. The easiest way I found to de-skin the peaches is to cut an X on the bottom of the peach, place them in boiling water for about 45 seconds and then follow with a soaking in a bowl with ice and water for 30 seconds. Use a paring knife to grab hold of the skin at the bottom and it should peel right off. They will be slippery so use caution when removing the pits. 

3.       You can either dice the peaches or puree them in the food processor. Your choice, however you prefer your fruit in the jam. I dice them small because I like fruit chunks, plus I planned to use this as a sauce over vanilla ice cream so I wanted a little bit of the fruit pieces. 

 4.       In a bowl add I cup of blackberries and mash well. If you don’t like seeds you can put them in the food processor and then strain them through a wire mesh strainer.

5.       Combine fruit and mix well. 
6.       In a separate bowl combine 1 ½ cups of sugar and 5 tbs of instant fruit pectin. Mix well and add to fruit mixture. Stir for 3 minutes.

7.      Ladle into clean jars, screw on lids and let sit for 30 minutes to jell.

8.       Refrigerate  3 weeks or freeze for up to a year.

 Hope ya'll enjoy.
The Mrs.   ~ Ball Canning Website ~ Canning Across America Website

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Let's Jam

My first foray into canning was five years ago. My sister was working on her culinary degree and during a visit had been  relating to me the benefits of fresh and non-processed food. I decided I was going to make some changes to our families diet for the better and I was on board.  I was very, ok Ill admit, over ambitious and excited about the possibilities of the great healthy food I was going to lovingly prepare in my kitchen for my family.

I read the Ball canning book that I borrowed from Gramma cover to cover along with a few library cookbooks all devoted to the subject of canning. I plotted and planned my list and then after my father in-law's generous loan of all of my mother in laws old canning equipment and jars, I was almost ready. I drove all the way to Block's (my most favorite greenhouse), for the freshet, crispest fruits and veggies I could find. I chose snap green beans, peppers, assorted berries for jelly, apples for applesauce and tomatoes.  All the way home I had congratulated myself for thinking of my families health and I was sure that all this work I was going to do was going to be worth it. Plus I so naively decided that since women have been canning for centuries I could certainly manage. How hard could it be right?

======> Fast forward to reality and to me, The Mrs., spending an entire  day in the dead heat of August, in a kitchen that was 100 degrees past hell on the thermostat, even though the air was on, trying my best to peel, snap, chop, dice, stir and ladle all of this healthy food into these small glass jars, that were impossibly slippery, wet and hot from the sterilization process. It was a hot mess, I tell you. There were several drips and spatters all over the place from the apple and tomato sauces. They jelly did not set, none of the green bean jars sealed properly and I believe I also remember a glass jar of tomato sauce exploding on the counter, but I digress. Right then and there The Mr. came home from work in just enough time to find a house that felt like a tropical rain forest, looked like a bomb had gone off in a farmers market and to his Mrs. covered in glass shards, tomato sauce and tears.

I decided at midnight, after the tears were wiped, the glass swept up, pizza ordered, the bottle of wine emptied and order restored to the kitchen that I The Mrs., was hereby swearing off canning for good. I would not be making that mistake again.

Well ya'll that swear only lasted for a few years. I was shopping one day in late July when I ran smack dab into a display of Ball canning products. I almost turned around and ran from my old nemesis but I was momentarily intrigued  by the new designs and plastic jars. There neatly stacked in front of me were freezer storage jars, contemporary half pint and pint jars, pickling season packets and salsa mixes. After a trip to their newly spiffed up web site I decided I was going to try it again. The website was loaded with instructional videos, a list of canning classes by state, discussion boards, a question and answer section and useful links to things like local farmers markets, the USDA, gardening ideas and tips. It was all the information I needed to regroup. I learned what I had done wrong the first time around and learned how to remedy it.

The Mr. just lifted his eyebrow when I came home, bag full of new canning equipment. "Really, again, after last time?" was the look all over his face. I assured him that I was not going to be so adventurous this time and I was going to just try one simple jam. I needed to try one more time to see it I could master the art of canning. I was redeeming myself.  I bought some strawberries for some jam and it was on.

The second time around proved so much better. The new information and products had made a world of difference. I had produced jam that was sweet, delicious and gone in 2 weeks. Since then I have gradually learned season by season what works and what doesn't. When done right it truly is a rewarding experience to serve my family preservative free, tastes like farm fresh goodies. Its cost effective too, we save on our monthly grocery bill and since I control what goes in, we can control our salt and sugar intake and are guaranteed flavor combos we like that are not necessarily available at the store.

August 13 is National Can-It-Forward day and Capricious Whimsy will be linking up to Canning Across America to celebrate the "lost art of canning"  This is you opportunity to learn all you ever wanted to know to start canning your own delicious creations. Dont be intimidated and give it a try wont you please join us for some canning fun?

Join me tomorrow as I show you how to make a simply delicioso White Peach and Blackberry Jam perfect for ice cream topping, cookies or just plain toast.
The Mrs. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Welcome to Capricious Whimsy! 
A perfect place for random thoughts, a little DIY, and hodgepodge of all things domestic. 
Hello and welcome to my little corner of bloggland. I would like to take the opportunity to graciously thank you for visiting and to introduce myself to you. I am The Mrs. and I live a quiet and unassuming life with my husband The Mr. along with our sweet little munchkin, The Doodle and a spoiled, rescued feline, affectionately dubbed Brutus or Tutie for short. We are your average American family just chugging along waiting to see what this big old world has in store for us.

Now that the introductions are out of the way lets get down to business!  What kind of Whimsy is in store for us today? Why the nonsensical kind of course! Today we are going to take a virtual trip to one of my most favorite places in the whole wide world, Savannah Georgia. If you have never visited, I highly recommend adding it to your bucket list. I assure, you will not be disappointed. Between the food, the history, the architecture and the locals it is one of those destinations that makes you want to pull up roots and buy a house, right then and there on the spot! When I win the ka-billion dollar lottery I will be buying either Mercer House or the Hamilton-Turner Inn ;-) You are of course all welcome to come and stay with me.

Aside from being a gorgeous, historic city, Savannah is one of the jewels of the south. It is hands down one of the friendliest cities I have ever visited. The locals play gracious hostess and let me tell you, you had better make it down to River Street and over to Wet Willies for the best Daiquiris south of the Mason-Dixon Line. The grandest part, in my humble opinion,  is that you are allowed to saunter down the street with your daiquiris in hand to enjoy the party that spills out of the bars and on to the street. The riverboats pull up to the dock playing a beat that demands to be danced to and the folks on River Street happily oblige. 

 One must not forget to saunter over to Congress St and visit The Lady and Sons for the best home cooked meal you will eat in your life. I can personally attest to the fact the food is so good, you will not walk away hungry. Elizabeth's on 37th is another fine dining establishment that should not be missed.  I just love, love, love that it is in a 1900's Gothic style Victorian mansion.

A visit to Savannah would not be complete with out a little drive to Tybee Island for the pristine white sand beaches and dazzling sunsets.

I hope you enjoyed our little adventure today. I invite you to come back tomorrow to see what whimsy we will explore :-)

All the best,

 The Mrs.