Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tears in my Jam

As promised, all be it a week late, I will share with you the recipe for White Peach and Blackberry Jam. First though, I will clue you in as to why I have been a little preoccupied lately. I’ll come clean and tell you I have been spending a LOT of time here with my sweet little Doodle.

This Mrs. works hard and has really been enjoying her downtime. I am determined to grab hold and enjoy every single day this summer has to offer. You see, it is kind of a bittersweet summer for us as it is my last as a stay at home mommy. For in the fall, we will return to our regularly scheduled lives. The Mr. will continue to go to and from work, the Doodle will start Middle School and I will go back to school to finish up my final year before graduating in the spring and starting my new career. Next summer promises to offer an air conditioned office and I am sure lots of paperwork, office politics and grown-up responsibilities. Gone will be those precious, carefree days we spent frittering the time away by the pool splashing and playing, eating ice cream cones that drip all over in the summer heat, and staying up late watching movies only to sleep in until ……… well let’s just say it’s sometimes past a respectable time to get up.

Since the Doodle was a wee little punkin, I have been blessed to have been a stay at home mommy, and for that I am eternally grateful. Life at times, as it is known to occasionally be, has been a struggle; but for all of his precious life I have been the one here to guide, share and observe the Doodle’s experience as he discovers the world around him. My friends, I will tell you it was most definitely worth it and one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I have had 12 years to bond with and teach my young son the ways of the world and to see the wonder and excitement in his face as he sees and experiences new things in life for the first time. I have watched him grow from a tiny, precarious infant into a busy and curious toddler, into a bouncy, happy, loving child and now he is making the transition into a teenager. In six short years he will be legally considered a grown man. OMG!!!! Someone pass the Moscato before I have a panic attack because I can’t  hardly believe my baby is going to be a man.

 For now though we will continue to enjoy the bon vivant that summer has to offer and celebrate the precious few days left of his childhood. For in the fall you will certainly find me with tears a streaming as we close one chapter of our lives and open up to new and exciting opportunities that await us.

Now as I wipe my tears, I will share with you the promised recipe for White Peach and Blackberry Jam.

1.       Sterilize 8 ½ pint jars and lids in boiling water. Do not put the center lid with the glue around the rim in the boiling water though, it will prevent you from getting a good seal. Just wash it in warm soapy water. 

2.       Peel and core about 12 medium peaches. Make sure you use ripe peaches. The easiest way I found to de-skin the peaches is to cut an X on the bottom of the peach, place them in boiling water for about 45 seconds and then follow with a soaking in a bowl with ice and water for 30 seconds. Use a paring knife to grab hold of the skin at the bottom and it should peel right off. They will be slippery so use caution when removing the pits. 

3.       You can either dice the peaches or puree them in the food processor. Your choice, however you prefer your fruit in the jam. I dice them small because I like fruit chunks, plus I planned to use this as a sauce over vanilla ice cream so I wanted a little bit of the fruit pieces. 

 4.       In a bowl add I cup of blackberries and mash well. If you don’t like seeds you can put them in the food processor and then strain them through a wire mesh strainer.

5.       Combine fruit and mix well. 
6.       In a separate bowl combine 1 ½ cups of sugar and 5 tbs of instant fruit pectin. Mix well and add to fruit mixture. Stir for 3 minutes.

7.      Ladle into clean jars, screw on lids and let sit for 30 minutes to jell.

8.       Refrigerate  3 weeks or freeze for up to a year.

 Hope ya'll enjoy.
The Mrs.   ~ Ball Canning Website ~ Canning Across America Website

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