Friday, November 25, 2011

Santa's Magic Forest

Every year we go and see the magical wonderland that is Santa's Magic Forest. I love this tradition for two special reasons. First, the remaining years my young son will believe in the big red man are numbered. There is nothing better than seeing Christmas through his eyes and Santa's Magic Forest is a magical Christmas wonderland that can turn even the most hardened cynic into a believer again, if only for the afternoon. The second reason is that the proceeds from Santa's Magic Forrest go directly to support the local food bank, Fish and Loaves Community Food Pantry.

With times being so hard, it is difficult for many to provide even the basic staples. In 2010, 15.1% of people in the United States lived in poverty, this is the largest number since 1993. (Source). Since opening in 2008 Fish and Loaves has fed more than 4,000 families in the Detroit/Downriver area. The need here is tremendous, and by supporting places like Fish and Loaves, your donation can be stretched further though partnerships with local grocers to help continue to meet the needs of those less fortunate in our community. To donate directly click the link and visit their site.

One of the greatest things about this particular pantry is that in addition to helping to stamp out hunger in our community they are trying to stamp out the stigma that comes with with being food insecure, thus providing needy families with dignity as they struggle to get through hard times. The pantry is set up like a grocery store, so that family's can shop for the things that they will eat. The food goes home in bags like you would get from the regular grocery store. This allows for higher satisfaction from the needy family, less waste, as people only pick what they will eat, and it allows for positive supportive social interaction between the volunteers and families. 

We are delighted to have an opportunity to volunteer at this wonderful organization and I am so looking forward to teaching my son about the true spirit of the holiday season. Thanks to the super EARLY release of the Toys R Us big toy book, Tyler has a bad case of the holiday "gimmies"  and I am eager to teach him that it is truly better to give than to receive.

I hope the following photos will entice you to visit Santa's Magic Forest and help out the Fish and Loaves Food Pantry with your visit. Here is the link to all the info you will need to visit. Now as promised a pictorial holiday feast for the eyes.
Worker mice sewing new stocking for the good little boys and girls.

Mr and Mrs Clause turning in for the night

A view of the forest, aglow with holiday lights

Tyler engrossed in the magic

 An Elf Camp

 Tree Elves, Tyler asked if they were the ones that make the cookies :-)

 Snuggle Buggs staying warm by the fire 

The Clauses 

 Working elves (yep that is an elf outhouse)

 Tyler talking to a friend "Come check this one out!"
 Delivering Gifts
 Shoveling Elves
 Winter Wonderland
 Santa's big toy bag
 Skiing Penguin
Over the river and through the woods

Even the worker mice have a space

 Elves that chop wood
 Elf Mail

 Feeding the reindeer

 The Nativity

Face time with the big man
 Elves with reindeer

These were my favorite, the gamblin elves. They made me laugh so hard and remind me the of the Mr.  :-) 

So there you have it folks. Make sure to take your little ones on down to the Activity Building at Heritage Park in Taylor for a spectacular visit through an amazing Christmas wonderland. Again here is the link for all of the info you will need to visit. If you are interested in donating either money or time to Fish and Loaves Community Food Bank click here . Thank you all for your support!

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