Monday, December 5, 2011

Cookies Are For Big Kids Too

 I hope you all had a nice restful weekend. I know I wish I did, but I cant complain. We had a crazy, busy, and somewhat productive weekend. We attended my nephew's birthday party, see my Mr. sliding down the big inflatable slide, he is the biggest kid of them all!. We also finished some Christmas shopping, cleaned house, finished our homework, cleaned out our storage unit and I was even able to get a jump start on my holiday baking. I cant hardly believe that there are only 4 more weeks left to the year. Ya'll it just flew on by! It seems like just yesterday I was packing up Christmas 2010, and yet here we are again, Christmas 2011.

 One of the things I like most about the holiday season is baking. This is one of my favorite Christmas cookie recipes. I like them so much because they are super easy and taste fantastic. I also love them because they bring back the holiday nostalgia of my youth.
 I remember my Auntie making them for our family Christmas party every year since I was about 6. Even though I always have known she was talented in the kitchen, I remember being super impressed that she baked a Hershey Kiss in the middle and it didn't melt. Little did my 6yr old self know, that the kisses are put in AFTER the cookie comes out of the oven. Don't let my dark hair fool you, I'm secretly blonde. At least my family thinks so anyway. I earned the nickname Blondie due to a series of small kitchen mishaps in my teenage years. I think my gullible nature might also factor into that equation as well, but I digress. 

 Today I am going to share with you the super easy way to make these tasty peanut blossoms. Start off with with a bag of Betty's Peanut Butter Cookie mix and a bag of good old Hershey Kisses. If you do not like peanuts or someone in your house is allergic, you could substitute Betty's bagged Sugar Cookie mix. Just follow the instructions on the back of the bag. For the peanut butter mix, I believe that you add 1 egg, 1 tbs water and 3 tbs oil to the mix and stir well. Once the dough is mixed scoop (I use a small melon baller) dough to make small round ball shape. Roll in granulated sugar and place on an ungreased cookie sheet. 
 For a more festive touch, you could substitute red or green colored sugar in place of the plain old white granulated.  Sprinkles will work just as well. Use your imagination and get all Martha Stewarty on them, or not, your choice :-)  Once the cookies have been rolled in sugar and placed on a cookie sheet, bake in a preheated 375 oven for about 10-12 minutes. When you pull them out they will look like this.

Let them cool on the sheet for just a few minutes, no longer than 2 or the Hershey Kiss wont stick when you place it in the center. Now comes the best part! Press a Hershey Kiss in the center of each cookie. You could get all kinds of creative here. Use the white chocolate candy cane kisses, caramel filled kisses, cherry cordial, mint, whatever floats your boat. When the kisses have been added, remove from cookie sheet to a wire baking rack to cool. 
3 dozen cookies in less than an hour. Cant beat that! These yummy cookies are going to work with my Mr. as a treat for his hardworking crew, big kids like cookies. too :-) Come back tomorrow and I will show you my secrets to making gingerbread men, women, people.

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